What will become of us?

As Lil’ Z wakes up more morose than usual (it is mostly not her fault to be honest https://manicmumlife.wordpress.com/2017/07/05/broody-mornings/) and even my generally sunnily disposed male progeny seems a bit off- kilter, I wonder- we are all going a bit stir- crazy, absolutely.

These are unprecedented days, weeks and months. Only in the distant future will we truly be able to analyse the long- term effects of this pandemic and the things we had to do to contain it. As we as a family prepare for another week of even greater restrictions (‘triple lockdown’ as they like to call it), we get news of more family members who have taken ill. This wave, it seems, almost no one has been spared. And thanks to the isolated nature of the illness, it is all about endless phone conversations. But the lack of true inter- personal interaction- hugging, hand- holding or even just being in the same room is taking a massive toll.

Lil Boss Man who is now four, has spent more than one- third of his short life in these times. School for him is now an abstract concept. He does not remember what it is like to visit family or friends. What it is to play in a public playground. He probably doesn’t remember a time before masks. Who would have thought, no?

Till next time,


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