Day 21- And it shall continue

So, this is not the end, as expected. After the early days of 'break- taking', and routine- creating, the past few days have been surprisingly busy and productive and messy and incredibly wholesome. I did domestic duties and kept the children occupied during the day, and worked on a paper all night. And trained at... Continue Reading →

Day 19- Imagination

I am not sure if this is normal. Sometimes, the inner workings of the human mind are hard to unravel. I do not know if this is how everyone thinks, functions, lives. I am curious though. I cannot imagine somebody not having this at their disposal, life would be unbearable if it were so. Imagination.... Continue Reading →


When I first started this blog, about three years ago, I never did have to think so much. I mean, I pretty much penned (rather typed) my thoughts on here, as and when they poured forth. As days became more rushed, the posts became forced. Now, we have reached a point where I sit in... Continue Reading →

Dearest Zoe.

Today has been a hard day. I fought valiantly. I gave it my all. I warred with all my might. My might obviously isn't mighty enough. You won every fight. Hands down. No arguments there. I lost and there is no shame in it. I lost miserably, but I lost to you - my dearest.... Continue Reading →

Of life, love and laughter.

It is all about the little things. Things that shouldn't matter but do. A handsome, older gentleman smiles at the rearview and thanks you profusely for letting him pass in maddening traffic when everyone else just pushed through. It doesn't matter, but you suddenly believe that the embers of decency and chivalry are yet to completely... Continue Reading →

Shit happens!

Boy or boy, has it been a crazy couple of weeks or what! It is like the sky broke upon us just as the ground split open. And we were sucked into a vortex of ill health, work, childcare conundrums, bureaucratic limbo, silly rules and all round chaos. We have survived folks! We have, but barely.... Continue Reading →

They actually left me!

So, one day Mammaa woke me up early. She usually lets me sleep till I want to, but that particular day was different. It was different in so many ways. She kept cooing things to me. Went on rambling about going "bye-bye" and "having fun" as she prepped my milk. Pappaa was ironing my clothes... Continue Reading →

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